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About Us
Who We Are
Corporate Accountability & Public Participation Africa (CAPPA)
Corporate Accountability and Public Participation Africa (CAPPA) works to advance human rights, challenge corporate abuse of our natural resources and build community power for inclusive development and participatory governance.
CAPPA is a Pan – African organisation that is passionately devoted to working with African communities and to build partnerships with them towards taking collective social action towards the promotion and defence of the rights of peoples. It challenges the abuse of our natural resources, our environment and our people through corporate and state policies and practices.
Africa is about the most unequal continent on our planet, with the widest income [second only to Latin America], and wealth [second only to Asia-Pacific region] inequalities in the world.
Working through a team of dedicated staff, community volunteers, coalitions and leveraging networks, we are committed to policies and actions that would help redress the inequality crises and enable a socially just and equitable human civilization on the continent of Africa.
Our Goal
An Africa that is free of injustices and inequalities caused by corporations and unfair state structures.
Our Vision
A continent whose development path is designed, modeled and executed by Africans; respecting and guaranteeing human rights, enabling social justice and ensuring harmony with the environment.
Our Mission
To nurture movements of African communities and a new generation of leaders working shoulder to shoulder to demand democratic community and natural resource governance, inclusive participation in development policies processes, end to inequalities and accountability for all forms of corporate and state abuses.
Our Theory of Change
We believe that when we leverage proactive support for communities and citizens organisations to organise, mobilise and build solidarity to challenge inhumane corporate and state practices, we can gain the momentum and traction to cause positive change to happen and ensure that the human rights of citizens and residents are observed, protected and guaranteed by the state.